The stories of the detainees in My Guantanamo Diary are very powerful and difficult to read. Unfortunately the events described are not unique to this war today and in the past. What is shocking however is the fact that the torture and horrors being done is by American Soldiers and probably with the knowledge of the Government. The United States identifies itself with the idea of being the “land of the free and the home of the brave”, yet it seems not to impose these values on other countries. The author writes, "The United States guarantees everyone with certain inalienable rights." Torture and illegally taking people away is not freedom and it seems a cowardly act. Mahvish Rukhsana Khan became a translator for many detainees at Guantanamo bay. Because of her parents being from Afghanistan and speaking Pashto she was able to translate for many people from Afghanistan. Like many people in the United States, she was apprehensive about the people she would be meeting there but to her surprise the men she met were perfectly ordinary men. She met pediatricians, farmers, goat herders, traders, pharmacists and many other completely ordinary men, who at the time of their detainment were trying to live their lives peacefully. When Khan found out about men being illegally detained she decided to volunteer as a translator. Because of her background she spoke the language of the men and was able to befriend them since they could relate and understand each other’s customs. According to her US policymakers had cleverly circumvented legal principles in creating the military detention center." Even though the US government claims the detainees are terrorists and dangerous to American safety, what is happening at Guantanamo is horrible and shocking because the accounts told by the detainees about their treatment and many of the detainees have no legal reason for being there. One thing that seems to come up over and over again throughout Kahn’s conversations with the prisoners is their feelings about Americans. It seems that overall many of them are able to understand that the Army and the Government is not representative of the whole nation and can separate the two. But since this is a democratic nation it seems as though technically the government is representative of the people. By allowing this treatment of people to continue it is saying that this behavior is okay. And more importantly, if the Americans torture people, and anger their families it really should come to no surprise that they will stand up and rebel against the Americans. This hatred of America seems to be perpetuated by American actions. In Afghanistan it is important to remember that women rarely go out and work so if a man is taken away from his family not only is the man hurt, but also the family. By arresting a man his income and family protection is taken away. So, although many Americans believe that the terrorists deserve to be in jail, they all need to have fair trials, with fair evidence to be placed there. Otherwise the United Sates is just behaving in ways that they would never allow other countries to behave. As Mahvish Rukshana Khan says at the beginning of her memoir “I’ve been duped. My government has duped me.”
This image is of detainees outside with completle sensory loss due to goggles, head phoens and phase masques.